Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ceramic Exhibition 2009, Arizona

In ceramic industry 2009 has many exhibitions have been arranged and April month is totally busy with ceramic exhibition. There is Ceramic Art Exhibition 2009 in Japan which is running from 2-17 April, 2009 held at Alfred University.

There is ceramic industry news on ceramic exhibition in Arizona which is organized by famous ceramic artists Susan Filley and also other 12 ceramic artists are passed to show their working portfolio on ceramic.

This ceramic exhibition is held at The ASU Museum of Anthropology, Arizona will help Liberal Arts and Sciences’s students and also develops relation between artists, great spot for ceramic artists who look and embrace beauty in the power and strength of form.

Ceramic Exhibition 2009, Arizona
Place: The ASU Museum of Anthropology, Arizona State University
Time: 6 P.M to 9 P.M
Date: Friday, April 3, 2009 to Sunday, May 31, 2009
Read more about Ceramics exhibits open in ASU's Museum of Anthropology

Read more about 2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry and if you want to get ceramic knowledge then try 2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook | if you want to know more then i suggest you to read my another blog on all about ceramic tiles which includes information on ceramic tiles with its usability and advantages.

Old Posts:
Compensation Claim for Ceramic Industry Workers
China Ceramic Industry
History of Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic Industry in India

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2009 international Programmes, Festival and Fair of Ceramic Industry
Oxford Ceramics Fair 2009
Date: Saturday 31st October
Place: St Edward's School

Ceramic Industry News: Ceramic Fair, Festival, Trade Show, Exhibition


Online News of UK, America, India, China Ceramic Industry & Ceramic Tile Industry