Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ceramic Society of Japan

Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Content available at:

Publisher: Ceramic Society of Japan

The Ceramic Society of Japan (CerSJ) was established in 1891 with an aim to promote the development of ceramic industry, science and technology. CerSJ is the only comprehensive organization on ceramics in Japan that unites academe and industry. Ceramics has become an important academic field in engineering due to the effort made by our members over the last 100 years.

Articles should be written either in Japanese or in English except for Express letters which should be written in English.

Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan publishes papers related to the science and technology of ceramics.

Online ISSN 1348-6535
Print ISSN 1882-0743

Manuscript submission via online system.


Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet.

Source: Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan

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