Monday, June 22, 2009

International Ceramic Portal | GLOBAL CERAMIC

GLOBAL CERAMIC is a company in a constant process of growth that is born fruit of the market necessity and it is formed by a multidisciplinary team of professional young people who form a solid and human structure prepared to start a great project that is going to give a lot to talk about.

What we present is an International Ceramic Web-portal where we are going to reunite all the ceramic tiles, wall tiles, floor tiles, glazed tiles and sanitary ware manufacturers, industrial machinery providers and raw materials suppliers from around the world with their catalogues of products.

For it we count with the support of our collaborators from different countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, USA and other countries.

GLOBAL CERAMIC will be a Web-portal like YAHOO and everything related to the ceramic industry will be found inside, for everybody to find here what is looking for.

Nowadays Internet has become the engine of every business in a market already without borders.

Many companies have their own pages Web but many of them cannot be found in Internet.
  • Our each client will have in GLOBAL CERAMIC another webpage with info about his company, history of the company, a CATALOGUE WHERE TO EXPOSE ALL ITS PRODUCTS, a form of contact and a link to his webpage, therefore those who are interested can get in touch with our clients.
  • With GLOBAL CERAMIC people avoid moving to the company to find its products, since with a single CLICK they will know all and each one of the details of all its ceramic products that can think or need.
  • People worldwide will be able to see its products because GLOBAL CERAMIC will be found in search engines like GOOGLE, YAHOO, ALTAVISTA, etc and in Websites related to the ceramic industry.
  • Also, GLOBAL CERAMIC will have news and information about the ceramic sector provided by official organisms like ASCER, ASSOPIASTRELLE, ECERS, CFI, ITC, etc and by our own clients.
  • Our Website will have national and thanks to our collaborators even international publicity in newspapers and magazines.
  • This Website is for professionals and non-professionals:
Professionals: distributors of any country who are looking for some type of tile or industrial machinery to distribute it in their country, etc...

Non-professionals: any person who wants to reform his house and doesn't know what model or floor tile type, mosaics or borders... want to use.

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Source: International Ceramic Portal | Online Ceramic Web Portal

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