Monday, March 30, 2009

Ceramic Tiles Wide Range By Indian Ceramic Company

Malwa Mirage Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. announces the launch of the "Mirage" range of tiles in Andhra Pradesh. Mirage is an incredible range of innovations in designer floor and wall tiles, prominent among them being the range of vetrified body marble, wood and metallic finish polished tiles.

Mirage range starts from Rs.45 to Rs.200 p.s.f and is available at all the leading tile showrooms and distributors across Andhra Pradesh.
  • Mirage range includes designer wall and floor tiles.
  • Marble, wood and metallic finish polished tiles; which are stain free.
Malwa Mirage Ceramic Pvt. Ltd. Mirage is a strategic alliance between Malwa Mirage Ceramics - a major importer of designer wall tiles in India and Torrecid S.A. from Spain - the biggest glaze and stain manufacturer in the world; with a manufacturing facility in Pune, the objective of the company is to provide the international designs and quality to its customers at very competitive price.

The technology used in making of Mirage range is the first of its kind in India, this technology makes these tiles come with an as good as real look and feel of marble, wood and metals and it has a special coating that not only lends smoothness and gloss but also makes them stain free.

Malwa Mirage is a 5 years old ceramic company which has been one of the leading importers of designer wall tiles in India. With over 300 employees in the factory and front office, the company has set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Pune over 64,000 square meters.

The facility has an annual capacity of 7 million square meters and the company is also in the process of launching double fast fired wall tiles in the 3rd quarter of 2009. With a strong national network of dealers and distributors in India, the company professionals are very confident about the success of Mirage range of tiles.

Resource: Mirage range of Ceramic Tiles launched in Andhra Pradesh
Previous Post: Ceramic Exhibition 2009, Arizona | Ceramic Company News

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ceramic Exhibition 2009, Arizona

In ceramic industry 2009 has many exhibitions have been arranged and April month is totally busy with ceramic exhibition. There is Ceramic Art Exhibition 2009 in Japan which is running from 2-17 April, 2009 held at Alfred University.

There is ceramic industry news on ceramic exhibition in Arizona which is organized by famous ceramic artists Susan Filley and also other 12 ceramic artists are passed to show their working portfolio on ceramic.

This ceramic exhibition is held at The ASU Museum of Anthropology, Arizona will help Liberal Arts and Sciences’s students and also develops relation between artists, great spot for ceramic artists who look and embrace beauty in the power and strength of form.

Ceramic Exhibition 2009, Arizona
Place: The ASU Museum of Anthropology, Arizona State University
Time: 6 P.M to 9 P.M
Date: Friday, April 3, 2009 to Sunday, May 31, 2009
Read more about Ceramics exhibits open in ASU's Museum of Anthropology

Read more about 2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry and if you want to get ceramic knowledge then try 2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook | if you want to know more then i suggest you to read my another blog on all about ceramic tiles which includes information on ceramic tiles with its usability and advantages.

Old Posts:
Compensation Claim for Ceramic Industry Workers
China Ceramic Industry
History of Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic Industry in India

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ceramic Art Exhibition 2009, Japan

Today, i am wake-up early because i have to make a brand new posting for ceamic industry, so i am thinking about it how to make it. as per my luck i get a ceramic industry news which really helps you if fan of ceramic arts. if you are first time here then please take a look at my previous post on 2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook, 2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry, Ceramic Industry in India

There is ceramic art exhibition held at Alfred University, the main thing i like it here is that entry fees is nil and you can enjoy it without spend if you have question why i have to attend this ceramic exhibition naswer is that it is only depends on you and want to improve your knowledge in ceramic material because there are many ceramic experts are visible shared their thoughts.

The ceramic art exchibition includes only selected ceramic pieces which is comes from Japan, England, China, Germany, the United States and more.

Ceramic Art Exhibition 2009, Japan
Place: The Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred University
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009 to Friday, April 17, 2009

for more information:
Ceramics arts exhibit displays pieces from 'the permanent collection'
Previous post: Classification & Benefits of Ceramic Materials | Ceramic Wall Tiles

Classification & Benefits of Ceramic Materials

The word Ceramics is derived from the Greek word Keramos which means potter's earth or clay. Therefore, ceramics may be considered to be material made from naturally occurring clay or earth.

Scientifically, ceramics are compounds of metallic and non-metallic elements. There are also manufactured ceramic materials such as diamond, SiC and Si3N4 and so on. In modern applications, a broader definition applies to the term ceramic, that is everything that is not a metal or organic material. Ceramics are inorganic as well as non-metallic materials which have been processed or used at high temperatures.

The American Ceramic society has defined ceramic products as those manufactured "by the action of heat on raw materials, most of which are of an earthy nature -- while of the constituents of these raw materials, the chemical element silicon, together with its oxide and the compounds thereof, occupies a predominant position." That branch of knowledge which deals with the expertise of manufacturing and treatment of ceramic materials is called ceramic engineering.

There are various types of ceramic tiles products which we have classed under four distinct categories-

1. Structural - it includes roof tiles and floor tiles, pipes and bricks.

  • 2. White wares - they include objects like decorative floor tiles, sanitary ware, table ware and wall tiles. The examples of white ware ceramics are stone ware, porcelain, mosaic, bone china and earthen ware.

3. Refractories like glazed, glass and steel building crucibles, gas fire radiant and kiln linings.

4. Technical or fine ceramics. such products include tiles applied in the space shuttle program, ballistic fortification, bio-medical implants, missile nose cones, nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets and jet engine turbine.

The various properties of ceramics are discussed below-

1. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES- they are crystalline or amorphous and are usually covalently bonded or iconic substances. Ceramic materials also show plastic deformations.

2. ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES- they are semi conductors and most of them are transitional metal oxides. However under extremely low temperatures some ceramics become superconductors.


They are classified as non -crystalline and crystalline ceramics. The non-crystalline ceramics are formed from melts and are called glass ceramic. They are produced after a great range of processing whereas the crystalline ceramics do not require much doling out.

Apart from the ones discussed above, ceramics have a wide range of usage

1. It is used in making knives and ceramic knives are sharper than steel knives. Though they are
brittle, their blades are more durable.

2. Ceramics like alumina and boron carbide are used as "Small Arms Protective Inserts"

3. Steel can be replaced by ceramic balls in ball bearings. Due to their hardness they have a longer lifetime. Their electrical insulating capacities are also valuable in bearings but a major
drawback is their high cost.

4. Ceramic engines can be used in laboratories due to their high fuel efficiency and they do not need any cooling system. However mass production is not possible because cracks can easily develop in ceramics which may result in dangerous equipment failure.

5. Nowadays bio-ceramics are made which include synthetic bones and dental implants.

6. High tech ceramic is also employed in making watch cases.

Article Source:
By : Victor Epand is an expert consultant for pottery, antiques, and figurines. When shopping for pottery, antiques and figurines, we recommend only the best online stores for ceramic pottery,
ceramic antiques, and ceramic figurines.

Source: Ceramic Materials And Their Uses
Previous Post: Compensation Claim for Ceramic Industry Workers

Read more about:
2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry
2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook
Ceramic Industry in India

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Compensation Claim for Ceramic Industry Workers

The City of Stoke-On-Trent is well known for the ceramic industry. It is better known by the locals as “the potteries”. The history of the production of pottery dates back to the 17th century. The area was ideal because of the abundance of clay and coal. Also salt and lead were needed used for the glazing and there was plenty of this in the area. In 1769 Josiah Wedgwood built one of Britain’s first large factories which became a famous name in the world of ceramics and is still in operation today but on a smaller scale. There are many museums around the city that go into details the whole history of the ceramics industry | history of ceramic tiles.

There were lots of disease and illnesses in the ceramic industry and many people died due to the toxic substances that they were exposed too. Lead was one of the worst and is the most toxic to man. It was used to create colours on pottery and the painters and glaze-dippers accidentally absorbed the lead into their blood streams though their skin and through licking the tips of their paint brushes. This eventually with enough exposure would tern to lead poisoning which was known as “potters rot” in the ceramics industries. This could result in paralysis or even death.

Other illnesses potters were susceptible too were serious respiratory diseases. Silica was another dangerous mineral that the potters were exposed too. Silica is a common mineral which is made up of sand and rocks and is the main ingredient to ceramic glazes. Inhaling silica dust can cause silicosis which is a fatal lung disease and many people suffered as a result. It is one of the oldest known occupational hazards.

Ceramic Industry workers compensation was available to those who suffered as a result and rightly so. These days we are a lot more health and safety conscious and aware of dangers that we previously were oblivious too. And if we have even the most minor accident that was not our fault we can and should try to claim compensation. This is every person’s civil and legal right.

No win no fee agreements took over from legal aid in the late 90’s and is now available for everyone who has a personal injury and wants to be compensated. The good thing about no win no fee is that solicitors will not take on a case unless they are sure they will win it.

If you have had an accident in the Stoke area and would like to find out if you are entitled to compensation then you should look for a competent solicitor with experience in personal injury. There are many solicitor firms in Stoke but the best ones are those that offer free professional advice. With the technology of the internet now, we can shop for car insurance, loans, cars and even no win no fee solicitors. So just because you live in a little town without any solicitors you can log on to the internet and find the best one suited for your particular claim. You need a company that offers free advice over the phone and can tell you exactly what your chances are Accident claims for the UK market contact Accident Consult for your no obligation No Win No Fee compensation claim.

Source: Stoke-on-Trent No Win No Fee
Previos Post: China Ceramic Industry | Kitchen Flooring Tiles

Saturday, March 21, 2009

China Ceramic Industry

As a sub-sector of the home decorative products industry, the ceramic industry has kept a low profile in China. But now its status in the overall decorative market is gradually rising. Whether it is viewed from the perspective of staffing quality, manager mindsets, management practices or operational processes, the ceramic industry in China is a promising one. The amounting ressures from environmental regulations, fierce market competitions and rising RMB have not put off the vitality of the Chinese ceramic industry. (2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry in China)

"Regarding These articles chines products avail at very very cheap rate but think twice about its quality because you have to use it and direct contact with chines products create some side-effects" - its my personal thinking.

Management quality to be improved

Since the 1990s, the booming domestic and international demand for ceramics had led to the development of some large scale ceramic companies (2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook), which in turn had given birth to some quasi-professional talents in the ceramic industry. The rapid development of China's electronics industry in recent years is partly due to its effective cultivation of a large number of management talents, so the ceramic industry is keen to follow the step to enhance its own staffing quality, by recruiting management talents from other successful industries.

Having said that, there are still many family-run companies in the Chinese ceramic industry, and the widespread nepotism among these companies will no doubt put a constraint on their long term development. Although some family-run companies are starting to appreciate the importance of professional managers, the trust between them is still lacking. It is not unusual to see an entire management being removed by the boss in this industry. The key to this issue is probably not about whether a company is family-run or not, but about whether the owner has the awareness to employ modern management philosophies and methodologies to manage the business.

Advanced production techniques

China's ceramic production today has been quite modernised and industrialised, and the extent of automation is also increasing. Despite management practices and company cultures may differ
between different provinces, the use of technologies and production processes are quite similar
among companies. This has inevitably led to homogeneity between product styles, with high volume but low differentiation products in the market. The high volume could certainly give pricing advantages to ceramics exports from China, but they've also attracted a considerable level of anti-dumping criticism from other countries. Many Chinese ceramics are sold as OEM products for foreign brands with no origin labels. Otherwise, many Chinese consumers would probably find that their imported TOTO toiletware at home are actually "Made in China".

Therefore, some industry insiders have pointed out that while the manufacturing processes are quite good now, the Chinese ceramic industry is still lacking a branding and marketing mentality.
On a positive note, some companies have now realised the importance of international management and innovation and begun to pilot new management and operational models.

Innovative thinking and design still weaknesses

Copycat products are rampant in the decorative product industry of China. Many Chinese ceramic companies are good and quick at copying products, and this is the reason why Chinese ceramic representatives are not welcomed at some international trade fairs. While Chinese companies can make perfect copycat products, many of them are short at innovative ideas and design works. Dr Zhang Mengyou, CEO of Eagle Brand Holdings, a Singapore-listed Chinese ceramic company, commented that apart from technological and manufacturing developments, Chinese ceramic companies should also pay attention to marketing innovation. He said that comprehensive marketing awareness is not about planning a single campaign or event, but about mobilising all organisational personnel to achieve marketing innovations all the time, hence a quantum leap from "Made in China" to "Created in China".

Pollution issues

Compared to other decorative products such as floor, furniture and lighting, the Chinese ceramic
industry is now facing more environmental pressure and controversies in an already competitive
market. The newly introduced energy efficiency measures by the central government will no doubt lead to more stringent environmental requirements on ceramic companies in most provinces. Whether environmental issues can be properly solved is not only the key to a ceramic company's compatibility with its local environment and resources, but also an important measure of a company's social responsibility in the community.

Low industry concentration

Compared to many other overseas tiles or ceramic sanitaryware industries, the Chinese ceramic
sanitaryware industry still doesn't have a market dominant brand, and this is also reflected in the whole decorative products industry. There are some larger size companies, but there haven't
been any true leaders. Although many large companies have established nationwide sales networks, their competitive advantages are often contained in their home regions. Therefore the Chinese ceramic industry is calling for more brand influences.

On the other hand, the need for improvements and consolidations can also mean opportunities and prospects. For those decorative product companies which are trying to build their brands, or
those first movers which have benefited from the booming capital markets, they certainly have the potential to become bigger and stronger. The relocation and restructuring of provincial ceramic industries and the rise of regional brands will no doubt intensify market competition in certain regional markets. Despite their differences in brand positioning and target customers, the surge in regional brands is likely to bring significant impacts to the Chinese ceramic industry in the near future.


The ceramic industry may not be a typical sunrise industry, but it still has lots of opportunities ahead. The strong demand for ceramic products in China, as a result of overall economic development and the positive real estate demand, has presented an unprecedented opportunity to the ceramic industry. From a macro point of view, there are still considerable growth room for decorative consumptions by Chinese households, and the demographic mix of the country is also pointing to a peak period for family establishments and associated consumptions. The trend for using more fashionable and niche decorative products in China is also bringing vast potentials for the ceramic industry. Therefore, it can be reasonably concluded that even though there are certain issues, we should remain optimistic about the outlook for the ceramic industry in China.

Source: More Opportunities Than Challenges in the Chinese Ceramic Industry
Previous Post: Sri Lanka's ceramics industry News

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ceramic Industry: Sri Lanka's ceramics industry News

The Sri Lanka Ceramics Council (SLCC) has called for the removal of the recent additional tax on LPG gas for the survival of the ceramic industry.

SLCC President and Chairman/ Managing Director Midaya Ceramics D. Warnakulasooriya said that the recent additional tax on LPG gas on the Ceramic industry impacted badly on the survival of the industry. The ceramic industry consumed a high amount of LPG during the production process.

Today LPG gas prices have been reduced in the international market but local ceramic manufacturers have to pay a high price for LPG which will increase our production costs. We are unable to compete in the international market and survive in the business, he said.

SLCC Past President, Chairman/MD Dankotuwa Porcelain Sunil Wijesinghe said there was a Rs 8 excise duty per Kg last December and it was increased to Rs 27.50 per Kg in February. The current total LPG gas consumption by the Ceramic industry is 1,170 metric tons per month and with this tax the industry has to pay Rs 32.17 million more per month.

This is a huge burden for the industry and we call upon the government to remove this tax and help the industry to survive in this global economic meltdown. The appreciation of the Rupee and high diesel prices in the local market impact on our operations. Policy makers need to be aware of this, he said.

Thailand is one of the main international competitors and they pay Rs 35 per Kg for LPG and inBangladesh it is Rs 18. In Sri Lanka companies pay Rs 125 for a Kg. Due to high production coststhe volume of orders has declined and buyers are demanding a price reduction.

The SLCC also pointed out that if the authorities could facilitate the ceramic industry, it couldbring in more foreign exchange and generate more job opportunities in the country. SLCC Vice President/Managing Director Lanka Tile Ltd/ Lanka Walltiles M. Jayasekera said both companies consumed 550 metric tons of LPG gas per month which cost Rs 15 million additionally per month. At present the price of one MT of LPG is USD 456 but we are paying USD 800 per MT.

If the authorities are unable to take corrective action it will impact on the government’s revenue collection and result in the closure of ceramic factories, he said. Chairman/MD Royal Fernwood Porcelain J. Pieris said this industry needs high investments and they had invested Rs 1.2 billion and borrowed money to complete the investment. Now nearly 30 percent of our income goes to settle bank loans. This sector needs a lot of working capital. With this tax the price of inputs has increased by 35 percent and now it is difficult for us to find adequate funds to meet our working capital, he said

Resource: Daily News | SLCC calls for removal of additional tax on LPG
Previous Post: Ceramic Industry News: History of Ceramic Tiles

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ceramic Industry News: History of Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles are one of main adornments that are used today for making floors of many houses, not beautiful but heavenly. They are used all over the world by lots of contractors for making some of the most picturesque houses feasible.

The Greek word 'Keramos' bestows its excellence to the word ceramic. The era in which ceramic tiles were first begun to be used goes way beyond the Babylonian and the Grecian suns.

However, this period laid the pedestal for the decorative aura that one knows as ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles are essentially created out of clay. In the primitive era, they were crafted by hand, however, the modern era sees them being created in kilns and embodied with wonderful glazes. The lustre of ceramic tiles is something that is perhaps, one of its most visible features.

Business is a feature that has been invested into by human beings with a fervour which is as intense as the roaring flames of an Australian bushfire.

All those businesses which are based in and around the process of creating and selling ceramic tiles are, therefore, assuming an aggressive outlook in the activity of forming different strategies regarding the marketing of the product and also the way of selling it. They are doing this in order to assume the role of the dominant player in their respective markets.

The urge to be the best has led to the usage of advanced technologies in the creation process and the implementation of new selling concepts. One of those concepts has been the medium of online selling.

Ceramic tiles have, therefore, also become members of the list of the products that are being sold online. There are many websites which have their primary business process as the act of selling ceramic tiles.

Hence, when it comes to the range of the product, then the customer is now given the facility of being able to take a look into each and every make of ceramic tiles which are hosted on some website or other.

The usage of ceramic tiles is not restricted to the floor of the house as they are also used for the walls as well. Hence, the product diversity of ceramic tiles is a feature that is visible in both the categories (with the segregation being done on the basis of their usage) of ceramic tiles The customer now, is capable of having a choice set (consisting either floor or wall) which is quite a large one.

About the Author:-
Jason Colling is a renowned writer, who has written articles on various interior designing techniques related to floor decor. His articles focus on various uses of porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles ,floor tiles,natural stones and adhesives.

Resource: Keramos Given the Modern Existence as Ceramic Tiles
Previous Post: New ceramic roof tiles plant in Hungary by Todach | Ceramic Industry 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New ceramic roof tiles plant in Hungary by Todach

Ceramic tile maker Tondach has announced on Wednesday it is to inaugurate a new EUR 50 million plant in Bekescsaba, southeast Hungary on 27 March.

The project was co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund and Tondach was granted a HUF 500 million (EUR 1.66 m) non-refundable loan from Hungary under the New Hungary Development Programme.

Tondach's new facility, which is to be officially started up on 27 March in Bekescsaba, will use cutting-edge technology and be the largest roof tile plant in Europe. Output capacity will be 30 million roof and 2.5 million profile tiles a year. This is enough to cover about three million square metres, i.e. the roof of 15,000 houses. The new plant will boost Tondach's capacity by 50%.

The 235 metre long kiln in the factory that sprawls on 25,000 square metres is the largest of its kind in the world. The new facility, which produced the first prototype of a new Tondach tile in November 2008, is to create 60 jobs.

The Tondach Group is a leading ceramic roof tile maker in Central and Eastern Europe. It has been expanding in Eastern Europe since 1992. Tondach is present in 11 countries with 34 factories, five of them in Hungary. In Eastern Europe it has invested nearly EUR 400 million between 1992 and 2008.

The concern posted revenues of EUR 248 million in 2007, up from EUR 220 m in 2006.

Source: Tondach to open EUR 50 m roof tile plant in Hungary
Previous Post: Mosaic Tiles: Make Elegant Floor and Wall | Ceramic Industry

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mosaic Tiles: Make Elegant Floor and Wall

A visually attractive mosaic tile design can add extra glamor to your rooms, so purchase them through an online portal and create a royal look.

Mosaic tile is an artistic art form that has become an inseparable part of luxurious house, villas and palaces. These tiles are used to depict a large image with help of colorful tiles.

During the Greek and roman era, these tiles were used to create a brief layout of the achievement of great emperors and their ancestors. These extraordinary masterpieces are still preserved by the archaeological department in order to obtain useful information about the lifestyle and immemorial events related to the historical era.

Although, you can directly layout the mosaic design on the floor but you need to be sure about your artistic caliber before taking up the task of designing your surroundings. Hence, initially you should create a rough design on the dry floor in order to get the appropriate look. Later on, you can stick the tiles neck to neck with help of a suitable adhesive. This practical approach will reduce the risk involved in constructing a mosaic design.

However, its really difficult to sit throughout the day and construct a masterpiece on the floor, since it can lead to severe back pain. Hence, you can create a mirror image of the design on a template and stick in on the floor surface with help of mortar. This activity will add all the more precision to your mosaic tile design.

Hence, these extraordinary art forms will render a royal and elegant feel to your floors and walls. You can also call a professional designer to create a mosaic tile design on your walls.

Although, this can increase your designing budget, but their's no harm in spending some extra bucks towards designing your dream homes.

Nowadays, you can find them in various makes like marble, glass, ceramic etc. Hence, you should purchase these attractive mosaic tiles from an online portal that sells tiling materials.

So, log on to an online portal and purchase a mosaic ceramic tiles that goes well with your perception about the the artistic design.

Resource: Tips for Installing Mosaic Tiles in your Rooms
Previous Post: Glazed Ceramic Tiles are Widely Booming | Ceramic Industry News

Monday, March 16, 2009

Glazed Ceramic Tiles are Widely Booming

How to judge the superiority of glazed ceramic tiles over unglazed ceramic tiles for your house decorations?

Ceramic tiles are a popular tiling material that is widely used to design households and commercials. It’s highly popular due to its extraordinary physical and chemical properties. These tiles can be utilized to designs your floors, walls, counter tops, black splashes, fireplaces and walkways. Hence, they can be used to create an elegant and royal look for your homes.

Nowadays, you can find glazed and unglazed ceramic tiles. The glazed tiles have a thin coating on its surface while unglazed tiles are sold in their natural state. The liquid glass coating is responsible for the amazing texture, color and design of glazed tiles. Therefore, glazed tiles are available in different range of colors and designs.

However, glazed ceramic tiles have several properties like:
  • They are stain resistant and can be cleaned with help of chemicals like soda and acid. Hence, you can use them to design you kitchen shelves and floorings, since the area is highly prone to dirt and stains.
  • These tiles are less prone to scratches and stain due to falling or dragging of objects from one part of room to another.
  • Glazed tiles are fire resistant; hence they retain their shine and shimmer despite being exposed to fire or heat.
  • The color of glazed ceramic tiles doesn't deteriorate on exposure with harsh sun rays.
  • Glazed tiles are slip resistant and ideal for designing bathroom and kitchen floors.
However, the glazed tiles don't have any glass coating on their surface. Their colors fade after sometime and lose its shine. Moreover, the color is widely distributed throughout the surface; hence they lose their beauty once they get worn out. They are available in earthy colors like light brown, peach, gray etc.

Hence, you should be particular about your tiling needs, while you purchase ceramic tiles for your households and commercials.

Previous Post: Types of Ceramic Tiles | Ceramic Industry News

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Types of Ceramic Tiles

In ceramic industry there is a lots of types of ceramic tiles which are categorized by material, design, shape and printing.

Here i am try to only cover most popular ypes of ceramic tiles name not more information about them after time going i will try for that.
  • Glaze applied ceramic tiles are known as ceramic glazed tiles and also ceramic unglazed tiles. Used on wall and floor in room, bathroom and kitchen.
  • Ceramic Clay Tiles: Quarry tiles used on floor, roof, wall in bathroom, kitchen, room and also terrece
  • Another type of clay tiles but little differ - Terracotta tiles
  • And next turn of my favourite tiles which like i most and it's Porcelain ceramic tiles used on flooring and wall in bathroom, kitchen and room.
  • Mosaic tiles are another type of ceramic tiles, this tiles are manufactured in different materials like glass, stone, porcelain, ceramic.
  • Stone tiles are widely used in flooring. Therse types of ceramic tiles are avail in marble, limestone, natural stone, slate, granite and more.
  • At last as per my knowledge, i herd about vitrified tiles - this ceramic tile is widely used in compare with marble and granite tiles because it is very very very strong, stain resistant and also have lots of best tiles properties
Previous Post: 2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry

2009 international Programmes of Ceramic Industry

International Ceramics Exhibition 2009

Tokyo International Exhibition Center
Date: 08 April, 2009
City: Tokyo, Japan

Foshan China Ceramics City Development Ltd.
Date: 16 April, 2009
City: Foshan, China

5th International Conference and Exhibition
- Regarding features ceramic technology for both Microsystems and Interconnect applications in a dual-track technical program
Date: 20 April, 2009 to 23 April, 2009
City: Denver, Colorado, USA

23rd China International Ceramics Industry Exhibition
Date: 1 June, 2009 to 4 June, 2009
City: Guangzhou, CHINA

International Ceramics Festival
Date: 3 July, 2009 to 5 July, 2009
City: Aberystwyth, Mid Wales

Oxford Ceramics Fair 2009
Date: Saturday 31st October
Time: 10am - 6pm
And also on
Date: Sunday 1st November
Time: 10am - 4.00pm
St Edward's School
Woodstock Road

Friday, March 13, 2009

2009 Ceramic Industry Materials Handbook

Are you looking for any ceramic company information or any ceramic products like ceramic tiles, sanitary wares, brick, decorating or anything regarding ceramic then there is one place where you can find it easily. it's known as Ceramic Industry Material Handbook.

This book update regulary and also user friendly. There is two option to find information first one is browse by company (supplier & manufacturers) and second is browse by product.

Also find defination of each ceramic materials.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ceramic Industry News: Ceramic Industry in India

Ceramic Industry

Ceramic Industry in India is about 100 years old. It comprises ceramic tiles, sanitaryware and crockery items. Ceramic products are manufactured both in the large and small-scale sector with wide variation in type, size, quality and standard.

India ranks 7th in the world in term of production of ceramic tiles and produced 200 million sq. meters of ceramic tiles, out of a global production of 6400 million sq. meters during 2003-04. State-of-the-art ceramic goods are being manufactured in the country and the technology adopted by the Indian ceramic Industry is of international standard.

Capacity and Production

There are, at present, 16 units in the organized sector with an installed capacity of 21 lakh MT. It accounts for about 2.5% of world ceramic tile production Ceramic tiles industry has been growing at about 12% per annum.

In India, per capita consumption of ceramic tile is 0.15 sq. mtr. per annum compared with 2 sq. mtr. per annum in China and 5-6 sq. mtr. Per annum in European countries. With the growth in the housing sector the demand of ceramic is expected to increase.

Indian tiles are competitive in the international market. These are exported to East and West Asian countries. The exports during 2003-04 were about Rs. 180 crore.

Sanitaryware is manufactured both in the large and small sector with variations in type, range, quality and standard. At present there are 7 units with capacity of 86,500 tonne per annum and, there are about 200 plants with a capacity of 50,000 tonne per annum in small scale sector.

The industry has a turn over of Rs. 400-500 crore. This industry has been growing at the rate of about 5% per annum during the last 2 years. There is significant export potential for sanitaryware. These are presently being exported to East and West Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada. The exports were of the order of Rs.60 crore during 2003-04.

Potteryware signifying crockery and tableware are produced both in the large scale and small-scale sector. There are 16 units in the organized sector with a total installed capacity of 43,000 tonnes per annum. In the small-scale sector, there are about 1200 plants with a capacity of 3 lakh tonnes per annum. Majority of the production of ceramics tableware is of bone china and stoneware.

This industry in India is highly labour intensive while in USA, UK, Japan and other countries there is full automation. Quality of finished products, design and shapes in India are still below international standards. The equipments are old and need to be updated to meet international standard. The export of potteryware during 2003-04 was of the order of Rs. 85 crore.

Source: Ceramic Industry Growth in India
2009 international Programmes, Festival and Fair of Ceramic Industry
Oxford Ceramics Fair 2009
Date: Saturday 31st October
Place: St Edward's School

Ceramic Industry News: Ceramic Fair, Festival, Trade Show, Exhibition


Online News of UK, America, India, China Ceramic Industry & Ceramic Tile Industry