Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Performance Blue Kitchen Design

easily accessible kitchen cabinet. There are different shapes, textures exposure, and the dominant color. Be cabinets that changed the face of the kitchen is attractive.

“It knew it was love”. It can be an inspiration to make a placement cabinet “that easily recognizable, so that we can continue to love”. Two of the kitchen cabinet is a display window. Cabinet underneath for storage mini furniture and silverware. That way, whoever kitchen users, can identify where the equipment and furniture stored, easily.

We can even make it more optimal and attractive. Consider, on the left there is a shelf cabinet door board. Serves as a container rack kitchen furniture prone to dust. Form a shelf that adjusts its location adjacent to the windows and side door.

Central cabinet using two stacking shelves. Which one is flat and elongated, the other shaped boards arranged vertically. Board planks confirm the size and function, while the shelves in corner cabinet into the kitchen where the barrier. All the shelves are useful as a container for furniture and accessories that had been exposed.

On the shelves there are frosted glass door shelf. Form takon box with silver trim makes it look outstanding. This shelf serves as a container of instant food. Instant food packaging makes a colorful display rack becomes more beautiful.

Under Cabinet-shaped box. Coating the door to be different. Left the cabinet with two shelves decorated with protruding door. Bulge is derived from a form of silver colored plastic triangle. This is to confirm the functions under the stove shelf. The ornaments also accent in the cabinet below.

Drawer stacking three performed with the touch of another design. Curved handle, made of stainless steel. Arch was performed to balance the rack on a framed cabinet silver.

This is a bold design cabinet design performance without losing functionality. Cabinet face character, container for furniture are met.

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Oxford Ceramics Fair 2009
Date: Saturday 31st October
Place: St Edward's School

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